September 24, 2009

Aromatherapy for Arthritis

According to the trusted medical website, WebMD, there are over 100 different types of arthritis. In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 70 million people suffer from arthritis. The exact cause it unknown; it may be due to genetics, workplace conditions, age, or weight. Since there is no cure, the goal of treatment is to treat the pain; make the pain manageable. While most arthritis sufferers opt for a bottle of over-the-counter pain medication, you may want to try a different approach. You may want to try aromatherapy for arthritis.

While aromatherapy is just one of the many arthritis treatment options you have, it is one of the best to try. Costs are low and side effects are minimal. Aromatherapy is a holistic approach that involves scents derived from plants; it is all-natural.

Honestly, the only thing you need to worry about is an allergic reaction and this should not be a problem as you should be well-familiar with your allergies. What does this mean? It means that all men and women, both young and old, should give aromatherapy for arthritis a try.

In terms of managing the pain associated with arthritis, aromatherapy blends are typically made from pure essential oils. More recently, hydrosols and phytols have been used too. Some of the best oils used for treating arthritis pain and discomfort include lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, camphor, and camomile.

If this is your first time using aromatherapy for arthritis, it is important to know that these oils are all-natural and strong. You cannot and should not apply them directly to your skin. You must create a diluted mixture first. Your mixture should be composed of 97% of a base material and 3% of essential oils. As for that base, you can use a wide range of items including lotions, creams, water, and vegetable oil. A strong mixture or applying the oils directly to the skin will not reduce pain more or quicker; in fact, it poses a safety risk.

So what should you do with these aromatherapy oils once properly diluted? Apply to the affected area; this is the area in which you feel pain. You can also gently rub the oils onto your body’s pulse points. The oils enter the bloodstream once they are absorbed by the skin and pain relief will be on its way!

In short, if you suffer from the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, you don’t have to suffer any longer. Aromatherapy for arthritis is not only affordable, but easy to set in motion. Most importantly, it is a safe and all-natural treatment option that comes with little to no side effects

Find more information on essential oil and aromatherapy for arthritis

September 3, 2009

Migraine in women and its treatment through aromatherapy

Working women are more sustaining more stressful life than men. It is a very true because not only women have to manage the office works but also they have to take caring of their family while being in the home. It is obviously very hard to manage the file and paper works in office and children at a time. So women are the most common prey of migraine.

What is migraine and what are its symptoms?

Migraine is a kind of headache which has broader effect than the normal headache. Generally, people get confused and correlate headache and migraine in the same category but it is not like that. Headaches are somewhat related to tension type which remains for a shorter period but migraine has a high lethal effect and longevity than the normal headaches. Migraine attack consist of five phases namely, prodrome phase, aura phase, pain or headache phase, resolution phase and postdrome phase.

Prodrome phase is the most common one and almost half of the migraineurs are affected by it. Long time headache, nausea, loss in appetite, muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea and many more are the common symptoms of it.
In the case of aura phase, people suffer with neurological imbalances in the body. There will be also disturbances in vision and migraineurs generally see flashing lights, dazzling zigzag lines. Almost 20% of the all migraine victims are suffering with this.

During headache phase, severe head pain will arise which can’t be bearable. It occurs in one side of the brain and includes abnormal, distressing sensitivity to light. Abdominal pain, trembling, cold sweats diarrhea or poor balances are the other effects of it.

After the headache phase, resolution phase starts and remain there for several hours.

At the end the hangover phase or postdrome phase occurs. It will remain for several hours. During its attack, migraine victim feel tired. They can even face muscle aching and irritability too.

Treatment of migraine by aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, it is an alternate treatment for headache and migraine sufferers. This methodology use concentrated oils especially essential oils that are extracted from plants. A blend of the right oils in the right proportions will help to get ridding of these symptoms. The fresh scents of plants are very accurate in giving relief during migraine.

During migraine and headache the best possible essential oil is peppermint oil. It can work very effectively during nausea and can be used in conjunction too. For using peppermint oil, you need to dilute it with carrier oil like almond or jojoba. After the dilution, massage your forehead and back of your neck with the oil. You can even inhale the oil with the help of a diffuser for quick relief.

If you are in very much trouble due to headache then you can spray some rose oil over your face for instant relief. You even use Lavender oil during intense migraine. All you need to do is to take a warm bath with few drops of lavender oil in it. Lavender oil is having a lethal effect over stress and anxiety.
You can prepare the essential blend by yourself and it’s not very difficult to do that. Just choose the carrier oil that suits your skin most. Then choose the essential oils(s) based on the symptom. Thoroughly mix the both oils and place it in a brown or blue bottle. Give a gentle shake and keep it in cool place.


So thus we have seen the effects of migraine and an alternative way of its treatment by using aromatherapy. The uses of essential oils can really make a big difference in healing process but one should take care of few things. If you are pregnant or are undergoing medical treatment then avoid the uses of essential oils. Some migraine victims are very acute sensitive to odors and touch, so for them aromatherapy is not prescribed. But anyways it is one of the best alternate treatments and has showed some excellent results.

Click here to see what are other essential oils for migraine

July 18, 2009

Carnival of Healing #198 : Paths to Natural Living

For this week round up, I'd like to promote natural living as our daily lifestyle from being green at home, recycled, using eco friendly fashion, organic products and many more on listed below.

You can start with..

Nettle Tea - Amazing benefits of this misunderstood herb and why I drink it by the jarful by Gina Loree' Marks posted at Grace in Gravity.

Learn how to Treating and Preventing ringworm in a natural way, by ChristianPF posted at Natural Health Ezine.

Research says less than 25% of Heart Problems Diagnosed Before Symptoms Appear. Check out what Heartstrong says to prevent your own heart attack. And also WP presents How Not to Get a Heart Attack posted at The Conscious Life.

Going for a diet? Here we have 32 Weight Loss Tips That Work by Health Fitness How To

Discusses the direct correlation between what you eat and how it makes you feel, bringing a whole new level to "you are what you eat." with Travis in Food, Stress, and Anxiety posted at Personal Web Guide.

Do you believe that a low-calorie diet could increase life span in certain organisms? Find your answer at Can Calorie Restriction Increase Ones Life Span? posted at Britannica Blog.

Worried about the medicine that you're taking? Check out what are poison in Your Medicine Cabinet posted at American Consumer News.

Watch this drug company's advertisement that Hypnotizes Viewers posted at Scientific Living.

Get healthy with Body Motions posted at Sense Scribe,

Meanwhile, we need to remain open to new experiences and our environment as part of our health regime. Please Listen to the experts tweet posted at Worthing Shiatsu

And take a break with Aromatherapy Carrier Oils posted at Aromatherapy and Essential Oils.

That’s it for this week’s carnival.

Want more? check out our last week carnival hosted at Movement As A Way In

And for upcoming carnival will be at

You can also participate in our upcoming carnival by submit your blog URL here or be a host for future carnival of healing

July 8, 2009

Join our Carnival of Healing

I'm proud to announce that I will be hosting the carnival of healing #198. This is my first time to join blog carnival and I am nervous about how is gonna be. But Thanks to Phylameana lila Desy, who has given me such great opportunity to be part of it.

Exactly, what is carnival of healing?

Carnival of Healing is a weekly round-up of personal blog posts on the topics of holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and self empowerment.

If you have written about those topics above then you can be part of our carnival by submitting those articles here, not later than July 16, this Thursday. Share your thoughts about holistic healing and spread the word! I am looking forward to hear from you.

Click here to submit your URL and blog description

And.. don't forget to come back again on July 18 for the next upcoming carnival of healing hosted on this blog.

May 23, 2009

Aromatherapy Hydrosol

Hydrosols are good to utilize for aromatherapy due to the fact that hydrosols are often more gentle than regular essential oils. They are less concentrated, can be used undiluted and used in a much more liberal fashion.

Hydrosols can also be used in products such as body, splashes, sprays, facial toners, and facial masks.There are definitely some things that Hydrosols are not infusions, tap or spring water with essential oils added, herb teas, decorations, macerations, or tinctures.

Suzanne Catty in her book, Hydrosol for Aromatherapy, addresses many of the various applications and potential uses for hydrosols. She equates hydrosols to homeopathic substances. Also addressed in her book were the vast knowledge gained through years of experimenting with the use of hydrosols. Suzanne Catty also discusses her analysis of the various properties, production of hydrosol, as well as sharing numerous recipes that she created for treating a multitude of diseases.

A quick overview about Aromatherapy Hydrosol

May 18, 2009

Make Your Own Essential Oils vs. Buying Online

While the thought of buying essential oils can be quite tempting in the increasingly fast paced world we live in, convenience is not always the best route to take. One of the viable alternatives to buying ready to use essential oils online is making your own essential oils.

The process of make your own essential oils is not nearly as complicated as one might think.

You will first want to gather some basic necessary supplies and ingredients such as dried herbs, an unbleached cheese cloth, tight fitting lid jar, Olive oil and a dark glass bottle for the result.

Some of convincing points to make your own essential oils are:

1. There are fun to do
2. the purity of oils derived from making your own,
3. being able to make your own variations
4. saving a great deal of money by not having to spend any on not only the actual essential oils.

The exhorbitant cost that can add up in having the oils shipped to your home is also avoided.

There are only a few points on the side of the cons involved in making your own essential oils. These include the loss of convenience, time lost in having to spend time making your own, having less storage space in your cabinets due to utilizing big mason jars, as well as the financial expense of having to set up with all of the necessary supplies that you needed in order to be making your own essential oils at home.

As you can very easily see, the arguments on the side of the pros involved with making your own essential oils far outweigh the points made on the side of the cons involved with doing so. If you still decide to make your own essential oils then please feel welcome to further learn about the step by step instructions of how to make essential oils by yourself

March 28, 2009

Free Samples


If you have a free samples to given away, then please let my reader know by submitted here.

Thanks in advance,

January 1, 2009

Aromatherapy Book Review : Daily Aromatherapy: Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils by Joni Keim and Ruah Bull.

Written by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Aromatherapy has been used to work wonders on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Natural plant extracts, known as essential oils, can activate the senses and provide a healing balm. In this creative and accessible resource, Joni Keim and Ruah Bull, who have worked in the healing arts for years, present 13 different oils for each season of the year — spring as a time for optimism and hope, summer as a time for manifestation and full expression, autumn as a time to reflect on your life and assess the health and well-being of your body, heart, mind, and spirit, and winter as a time to feel comfortable, safe and secure.

The authors want us to experience the subtle energy of each oil and so they offer seven intentional exercises, one for each day of the week: an affirmation, some emotional self-discovery questions, a ceremony, a blessing, an activity, a visualization, and a prayer. They know that many people who are involved with essential oils are "givers, nurturers, and helpers who know well how to give of themselves for others. However, many do not know how to receive well."

The exercises in this paperback are excellent tools for those who need to practice receiving. Keim and Bull conclude that they have been moved by essential oils as healers, teachers, and friends, and they hope that we may come to know them in the same way.

Table of Content:

  • Foreword by Becky Ann Green, PhD

  • Introduction

  • How to Use This Book

  • The Spring Months: March, April, May

    • March: Clearing Away, Cleansing, Releasing
      • Lemongrass to clear and cleanse
      • Bay St. Thomas for releasing fear
      • Grapefruit for releasing negative emotions
      • Juniper Berry for protecting against negativity

    • April: Joy, Optimism, Hope
      • Orange for joy
      • Mandarin for optimism
      • Petitgrain for harmonious relationships
      • Bergamot for hope

    • May: Creative Expression, New Beginnings, Inspiration
      • Geranium to support the feminine
      • Coriander for creativity
      • Nutmeg for support new beginnings
      • Eucalyptus for inspiration
      • Mimosa for renewal

  • The Summer Months: June, July, August

    • June: Clarity, Concentration, Mental Energy
      • Rosemary for mental clarity
      • Basil for concentration
      • Lemon for objectivity
      • Peppermint for mental energy

    • July: Willpower, Confidence, Physical Energy
      • Pine for willpower
      • Cinnamon for self-confidence
      • Thyme to support the masculine
      • Tea Tree for energizing on all levels
      • German Chamomile for truthful expression

    • August: Motivation, Manifesting, Perseverance
      • Clove for motivation
      • Ginger for manifesting
      • Ylang Ylang for passion and enthusiasm
      • Fennel for perserverance

  • The Autumn Months: September, October, November

    • September: Self-Reflection, Good Judgment, Intuition
      • Spruce for self-reflection
      • Fir for self-understanding
      • Bay Lauren for using good judgment
      • Clary Sage for intuition

    • October: Self-Acceptance, Forgiveness, Healing
      • Palmarosa for self-acceptance
      • Roman Chamomile for forgiveness
      • Marjoram for healing grief
      • Lavender for healing on all levels
      • Champaca for receptivity to spiritual guidance

    • November: Gratitude, Personal Growth, Compassion
      • Jasmine for gratitude
      • Cardamom for generosity
      • Cypress for personal growth
      • Rose for compassion and unconditional love

  • The Winter Months: December, January, February

    • December: Comfort, Security, Connection
      • Benzoin for comfort
      • Vetiver for feeling safe
      • Vanilla for a deep connection to Mother Earth
      • Oakmoss for a sense of abundance

    • January: Peace, Trust, Spiritual Growth
      • Neroli for a sense of peace
      • Spikenard for a sense of trust
      • Myrrh to understand the spiritual perspective of emotional challenges
      • Rosewood for spiritual opening and growth
      • Immortelle (Helichrysum) for spiritual strength

    • February: Oneness, Wisdom, Balance
      • Cedarwood for a direct connection with the Divine
      • Sandalwood for a sense of oneness
      • Elemi for balancing spiritual and wordly life
      • Frankincense for spiritual wisdom

  • Appendix

    • Best Essential Oil for...
    • Alternate and Additional Best Essential Oils
    • Essential Oils for Difficult Mental and Emotional Issues
    • Essential Oils and Associated Archangels, Key Angelic Essential Oils
    • Essential Oils and Animal Associations
    • Subtle Anatomy
    • Essential Oil Safety
    • Aromatherapy 101

  • About the Authors

Click here to see some more review for this book

Aromatherapy Book Review: The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood

Written By

A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing, this book contains more than 600 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments and aromatherapy.

Essential oils are one of the world's great untapped resources. This complete volume explains how to incorporate these ancient medicines of the earth into everyday life for personal care, physical and mental health, and a safe home environment. It gives more than 500 recipes using essential oils as alternatives to often toxic human-made health, beauty, and cleaning products.

There are plenty of good books on herbs, and some of them devote a chapter to essential oils, but there's nothing comparable to Worwood's work. Her premise is different from other herbalists--she believes that the most effective way to use herbs medicinally is by external application or inhalation. Both methods allow the essential oil to enter the bloodstream without passing through the digestive tract. Her grasp of basic physiology is somewhat confused, but there's nothing dangerous in her suggestions. (Worwood runs an aromatherapy clinic in England and conducts research on aromatherapy.) Her book prescribes oils for everything from basic first aid and treating common ailments to natural cosmetics and body care, fragrance for the home and office, and cooking with essential oils. A good addition to alternative medicine collections.

Table of Content
* Medicines Out of the Earth
* Your Basic Care Kit
* Your Basic Travel Kit
* Occupational Oils for the Working Man or Woman
* Assertive Oils for Sports, Dance, and Workouts
* The Gragrant Way to Beauty
* The Body Beautiful
* Essential Care for Your Hair
* The Gentle Touch for Babies and Children
* A Woman's Natural Choice
* The Natural Choice for Men
* Essential Help in the Maturing Years
* Gragrant Care for Your Home
* The Stillroom
* Sweet-Scented Celebrations
* Cooking with Essential Oils
* Natural Health for Domestic Animals
* Gardens for the Future
* Appendix 1: The Essential Oil Charts
* Appendix 2: Aromassage
* Appendix 3: Addresses and Bibliography
* Index

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health - Beauty - a Safe Home Environment, by Valerie Ann Worwood, is a valuable resource for people interested in Aromatherapy and it is available through Amazon

Book Review: The Book Of Massage: The Complete Step by step Guide To Eastern And Western Technique by Lucinda Lidell

Article taken from selfgrowth

With more than 650,000 copies sold, The Book of Massage is the classic guide to the relaxing and healing skills of the hands. Featuring both Eastern and Western methods, it presents step-by-step, beautifully illustrated instructions on everything from traditional massage to shiatsu and reflexology.

The Book of Massage offers easy-to-follow techniques for giving the perfect massage, including advice on creating the right setting and suggestions for using aromatic oils and lotions. In the comfort of your own home, you can

* Soothe away stress and tension

* Develop your body's unique healing powers

* Banish headaches and back pain

* Share the language of touch

* Experience optimum health and vitality

Now revised and updated with fresh color photos and drawings throughout, The Book of Massage is a simple and comprehensive handbook that reveals how you can experience the myriad benefits of giving and receiving a soothing massage.

Here is the classic guide to the relaxing and healing skills of the hands, from massage to shiatsu and reflexology.

Lucinda Lidell is a well-known healer and professional masseuse. She has contributed to many books on massage and natural healing, as well as the original Sivananda Companion to Yoga and The Sensual Body. She lives in London.

Buy The Book Of Massage: The Complete Step by step Guide To Eastern And Western Technique at marketplace

Aromatherapy Book Review : Aromatherapy - Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate and Heal by Valerie Gennari Cooksley


Description: This book is a good introduction to aromatherapy. From how it can work to soothe your body to helping a body heal, this book gives the information needed to discover if aromatherapy is right for you.

Review: I just recently decided to try aromatherapy. This book gave me quite an education into aromatherapy and what it can do. Very informative and easy to understand, I was able to follow this book to start an aromatherapy regimen that felt right for me.

This book is a bit serious when it comes to the details. It gives personal experiences and reasons as to why the author is so passionate about it. Because of this I felt more comfortable trying it.

I enjoyed the guide on the oils. Not only does it tell you about different oils but gives you information on what oils helps with what problems. It even includes some ideas on making your own types of oils. It also explains about herbs and how they can be incorporated into your aromatherapy routine. There are also safety instructions included, which are extremely important, especially for those just starting out with aromatherapy.

Being short and to the point this book goes straight to the heart of aromatherapy. It’s easy to read, find information in and keeps it simple. All I can say is if you are thinking about getting into aromatherapy you need to buy this book.

Buy Aromatherapy - Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate and Heal at marketplace

Aromatherapy Book Review: Aromatherapy An A-Z by Patricia Davis

By Sandy Amazeen

The cover states “The most comprehensive guide to aromatherapy ever published” and that’s not an exaggeration. Davis presents the aromatherapist with a fully researched, in depth guide which as expected, does an admirable job of covering the basics. What really sets this volume apart is wealth of more unusual applications of essential oils. Take lavender for instance, while its effectiveness as a sedative are well known this is one of the few guides which promotes its use as an effective burn treatment and clearly outlines appropriate treatment procedures. A wealth of botanical and historic information is provided in addition to which oil blends work best to boost a specific healing quality.

Information is listed alphabetically from “Abscesses” through “Zone Therapy” and while subjects are easy enough to locate it would have been nice to have an index for those times when you really need to find something fast. Davis gains credibility in her unswerving commitment to the patient’s best interest. Whenever appropriate she stresses the importance of seeking professional medical treatment, advocating the use of oils and aromatherapy as a way of augmenting patient treatment and improving the overall sense of well-being.

Of particular interest is the list of counter-indications listed in the appendix. These spell out which oils are thought of as too toxic for general use, are photo sensitizing, irritants or should be avoided by epileptics or during pregnancy. Having this information available at a glance is plus for the practicing therapist. While written with the aromatherapist in mind, anyone with an interest in herbal lore will find this a fascinating read.

Table of Content:
* Introduction
* Alphabetical Entries
* Appendix A – Hazardous Oils
* Appendix B – Major Properties of Essential Oils
* Appendix C – Forumulae and Recipes
* Appendix D – Useful Addresses
* Appendix E – Recommended Further Reading
* Bibliography

Buy Aromatherapy An A-Z by Patricia Davis at marketplace
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